I'm off!! Well, sort of. First flight has been delayed. Three times. I'm flying out of Madison and connecting on a red eye to Santiago, Chile. I hope this great adventure starts soon! I'm getting anxious. I'll arrive in Santiago at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Then I, hopefully, have a full day planned checking out Santiago. On Saturday morning I will fly to Punta Arenas. Almost the end of the world! I'll spend a night in Punta Arenas then on Sunday I will travel into the Torres Del Paine national park. I'll be there for 4 nights. I'm really excited about this part! Then back to Santiago for a couple days, then home. I will be trying to update the adventure as I go. Depending on internet connections. Can you tell I'm at an airport & bored? So, this is the start of The Great Adventure Of 2014!!! I'll post again when I have more exciting things happening. Take care everyone!